目前分類:GRE-AWA (5)

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"Most people choose a career on the basis of such pragmatic consideration as the needs of the economy, the relative ease of finding a job, and the salary they can expect to make, Hardly anyone is free to choose a career  based on his or her natural talents or interest in a particular kind of work."


Money makes the world go round. There has been a further devaluation of university degree and increasingly higher rate of unemployment over the past ten years. People therefore tend to seek a high-paying job by choose a career based on promising consideration rather than natural talents. I incline to the view that people should choose a career accounting for talent-match to achieve the privileges of a job.

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2010-10-22 9:08:40  來源: 環球英語網校

1. complexity:事物的兩面性(同一事物有優點就有缺點,相比較的事物有各自的優缺點),從多角度分析事物(分析不同領域中,不同情況下)。論點一邊倒的文章論述得再好也只能得5分。

2. insightful position在有全面深刻理解的基礎上,觀點最好新穎獨到(ets來說),但必須保證能自圓其說。5分文的要求是well-considered position,因此只要求多論述幾個理由,多考慮幾個方面,表明你確實好好思考過,而不強求對論述題目有全面深刻的認識。看看ets範文的35分文,你就能感覺的它們和6分文在思考深刻全面上的差距。所以,若對某方面論題不瞭解,還有一個月就要上考場的話,就不必花大時間惡補相關知識,只需看看別人的提綱,結合自己肚裏的東西(足夠),整理出自己的提綱,GRE考場上有條理性的加以論證。但切記,既然在這個給分點上你已經失去了優勢,就應該在其他給分點下功夫:論述結構,論證技巧以及語言運用(參看本文其他部分的分析)

3. conveys meaning skillfully:可用於論證的一切技巧(估計老美自己用起來也得費點心思)。比如文章的行文方向,起承轉合不用明顯的標誌詞(first, second, however, on the other hand, the second example illustrating my point),而是依靠論述的內在脈絡(只可意會不可言傳)自然而然的引到下一塊內容。總之是看不到transitional phrases確能明顯感覺到論述的方向及其改變(ets範文2, 6分文的第二段首句的作用)。再比如巧妙地運用引言代替自己的reason(ets範文1As the head once said)。再有一個深受老美喜愛的論證技巧:vivid metaphor(ets範文1to inspect only one's toenails is to ignore the whole body),使枯燥的reason生動形象。總之,此點是用來篩選6分文的,故對5分文作者不要求。5分文的要求是conveys meaning clearly,所以把話說清楚別詞不達意,茶壺煮餃子倒不出來就行。

4. compelling reasons(reason就已經夠令人頭疼的了,有加了個compelling):這是最重要的一個得分點。就是你的理由及其論證,目的是讓讀者認可你的理由,從而接受論點。5分文要求logically sound reasons,結合ets範文可看出6分文要求理由非常有說服力,而5分文要求理由合常理,讀者認為沒錯即可。

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 AWA 7    2010.8.25

General Strategies:

1. Do you have the "write" (right) stuff?

2. Write or Wrong, Communication Counts.

3. Efficient writing reflects not so much the ability to write as the ability to think.

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"Arctic deer live on islands in Canada's arctic region. They search for food by moving over ice from island to island during the course of a year. Their habitat is limited to areas warm enough to sustain the plants on which they feed, and cold enough, at least some of the year, for the ice to cover the sea separating the islands, allowing the deer to travel over it. Unfortunately, according to reports from local hunters, the deer populations are declining. Since these reports coincide with recent global warming trends that have caused the sea ice to melt, we can conclude that the decline in arctic deer populations is the results of deer being unable to follow their age-old migration patterns across the frozen sea."

The editorial in a wildlife journal state one of the reasons which cause the decreasing population of arctic deer, ignoring any other factors may contribute to the same consequence. Arriving at the conclusion that the recent global warming keeps deer from crossing the frozen sea to search for food results in the declining in arctic deer population is not persuasive based on the information given in this argument.


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While some leaders in government, sports, industry and other areas attribute their success to a well-developed sense of competition, a society can better prepare its young people for leadership by instilling in them a sense of cooperation.”


Which element is more essential for developing young people for leadership: a sense of competition or a sense of cooperation? I argue for the author’s favor of the latter approach, instilling a sense of cooperation into young generation. The fact is that an effective leadership depends on cooperation rather on competition and cooperation always leads to the better inspiration among peer groups.

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