something deeply wrong with chemistry.
something deeply wrong with chemistry.
台灣在海外人才正在減少,加上一些取得國外博士學位者回台不見得找到適合工作,我留學政策要重新思考。教育部最近公告,通過公費留學考試到國外讀書的人,他們取得學位後,如在世界百大企業或大學工作,可延緩十五年返國服務。 教育部每年支助約一百二十位學生出國攻讀博、碩士學位,以到美國紐約為例,學生每年可獲全額補助學雜費三萬美元、生活費二萬美元,持續三年。政府補助這些人一年約新台幣一百六十萬元、三年共四百八十萬元。
教育部次長林聰明說,台灣大專院校的博士師資頗多,加上我在海外人才愈來愈少、影響力漸減,若讓那些拿公費出國的人,在國外知名學術機構或企業任職,算是儲存人才於海外。 教育部表示,這些在海外取得博士學位的人,讓他們在世界一流學術機構或企業工作,十五年時間,他們小孩已長大,屆時回國不用擔心子女教育問題;即使他們不回國服務,要賠政府約四、五百萬元,他們也賠得起。 另教育部又公布,九十二年到九十七年拿非全額的留學獎學金到國外讀書的人,一旦到世界五百大企業任職,可視同返國服務。拿這種獎學金的人,服務期間為領取獎學金的二分之一,譬如拿兩年獎學金,只要服務一年即可。
"Arctic deer live on islands in Canada's arctic region. They search for food by moving over ice from island to island during the course of a year. Their habitat is limited to areas warm enough to sustain the plants on which they feed, and cold enough, at least some of the year, for the ice to cover the sea separating the islands, allowing the deer to travel over it. Unfortunately, according to reports from local hunters, the deer populations are declining. Since these reports coincide with recent global warming trends that have caused the sea ice to melt, we can conclude that the decline in arctic deer populations is the results of deer being unable to follow their age-old migration patterns across the frozen sea."
The editorial in a wildlife journal state one of the reasons which cause the decreasing population of arctic deer, ignoring any other factors may contribute to the same consequence. Arriving at the conclusion that the recent global warming keeps deer from crossing the frozen sea to search for food results in the declining in arctic deer population is not persuasive based on the information given in this argument.
dear Val:
怎樣的句子改寫才叫作真正的paraphrase, 而非只是"抄寫"呢?
“While some leaders in government, sports, industry and other areas attribute their success to a well-developed sense of competition, a society can better prepare its young people for leadership by instilling in them a sense of cooperation.”
Which element is more essential for developing young people for leadership: a sense of competition or a sense of cooperation? I argue for the author’s favor of the latter approach, instilling a sense of cooperation into young generation. The fact is that an effective leadership depends on cooperation rather on competition and cooperation always leads to the better inspiration among peer groups.
The graduate school of Finance of TKU organised the tea reception for greeting new arrivals on July 31 at TAIPEI Campus.
Students admitted to our program, both full-time graduate study and part-time MBA was invited by mail and expected to show on time. Actually, only about 60% of freshmen was on the tea reception.
The freshmen orintaion was begin with a brief opening speaking by the deam of finance department, coming up with other professors' short introductory speaking. Then, all studnets participate in this tea reception was invited to give a short self-introduction. Any questions are welcome after every students introduce themselves.